A community of badass girls
Let's be real... GIRLS NEED GIRLS
Life is hard and it was never meant to be done alone. I AM THAT GIRL has a 1.2M+ person online community and a presence in 24+ countries. We are for girls, by girls providing inspiration and community to girls all over the world.
#ThatGirlCircles are our peer to peer groups that meet in person regularly using our "Party Plans" posted the first of every month on our social media: fun activities, conversation guides to inspire, educate and challenge each other.
We believe that conversations and community have the ability to significantly and positively impact people's lives. Anyone (age 8 to 108) can start their own #ThatGirlCircle and whether it's five or two-hundred and fifty girls coming together, we are working to change the world one #ThatGirlCircle at a time.
So you down to join our party or what?!
Love is our highest tenant. For ourselves. For each other. Humans above profit. Always.
Radical integrity and even more radical grace. We hold ourselves to exceptionally high standards and when we fall short, we bravely own our mistakes.
Authenticity. We do not preach about anything we cannot back up. We embrace the good the bad and the all out messy in ourselves, in each other and in the content we create and conversations we have.
Collaboration above competition. We reject the notion that women are inherently catty and competitive. We believe WE can do exponentially more together than we ever can alone and it requires an army of badass humans.
Unfathomable generosity. We believe in a paradigm of abundance. There is and will always be more than enough resources and we operate from a place that allows us to be recklessly generous with our time, our energy, our relationships and our money.
Community: We believe we have to love ourselves fist; and that the humans we choose to do life with will be the most important decisions we ever make. Because our #circle says everything about who we are and who will will become.
Passion + Purpose: We take figuring out what our unique gifts are and how we can share them with the world very seriously. Like full time job serious.
Wellness: We believe in prioritizing our health mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically because if we aren't good, we ain't got nothing to give others.